Syarat2 menjadi True Goo Addict...

Sepertinya bukan syarat deh, tapi masa para goo addict gak memenuhi semua yang ada dibawah ini ?!
- Addicted to goo.
- Punya full version World of Goo.
- Sudah tamat main World of Goo. (Belum ya no problem.)
- Mampu 'memburu' OCD. (Obsessive Completion Distinction)

Tambahan, tapi tetap juga harus memenuhi kalau mau dibilang true goo addict!
- Punya GooTool.
- Mampu menyelesaikan beberapa level addin dari Goofans!

Kira2 itu saja deh. Gak usah banyak2. Nanti M.O.M. marah!

29 Januari 2010

Last time i already told you...

...that i manage to finish all OCD's under than an hour and a half. I can't prove the time, but i can prove the picture. This is 100% my work. Not other people's OCD. (Resolution kinda bad)

28 Januari 2010

Finally! Chapter 1, i manage to complete all OCD's!

i don't remember what date and day that time, but that day was an exhausting day, because i have done all OCD's on chapter 1 under than one and a half hour!

My Favorite Chapter and Level

my favorite chapter, probably chapter 1 (the goo filled hills) and chapter 3 (cog in the machine).
and my favorite level is hang low, impale sticky, tumbler, and other levels.
i love world of goo!!!

I love you, 2D Boy! » World of Goo

I love you, 2D Boy!
